The aim of Ziegler Trade Ltd is to manufacture wafers and provide commercial services that satisfy the customer’s needs to the maximum.
This means that wafer production and sales are handled as carefully as possible by both management and employees.
The relevant food and other legal regulations and professional guidelines are constantly kept in mind by all our employees.
The head of our company and all employees feel a great deal of responsibility for their work.

It is extremely important for us that our products are widely known and consumed by the public, and to this end we have developed our organic and gluten-free products in which we exercise great care in manufacturing.
We pay special attention to the protection of our environment, so we only use machines that do not pollute the environment at all or only slightly.
All employees of our company are committed to efficient and professional work, as well as to the continuous development of the food safety management system and ethical behavior.
With the help of regular training, we ensure the pursuit of safe food industry activities and the ethical attitude of the stakeholders of Ziegler Trade Ltd.
All employees of Ziegler Trade Ltd perform their work in such a way that the quality and reliability of their activities satisfy the needs of our current and future partners and maintain their satisfaction. All employees are responsible for the quality of their own work and its continuous improvement.
In the course of its activities, Ziegler Trade Ltd takes into account the needs and expectations of its customers to the maximum. We strive to uphold the values of the Ziegler name for each product produced, which is also advertised under the motto: “Tastes of old times”
The operation and continuous development of the food safety management system, which is the task and responsibility of all members of the organization, plays an important role in achieving the set goals.